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Pennsylvania State University
102K DEF Building
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DuBois, PA, 15801


Curriculum Vitae
Wamboye's CV September 2019.pdf
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Evelyn Wamboye is an Associate Professor of Economics at Pennsylvania (Penn) State University DuBois, where she teaches Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Business, Statistics and Marketing Research. Her research interests include International Trade, Foreign Capital Flows, Development Economics, Poverty, and Technological Change with a focus on Africa. She has published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals and edited books. Among others, her publications have appeared in The World Economy, International Labor Review, Journal of Economic Issues, Feminist Economics, Comparative Economic Studies, Progress in Development Studies, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Transformations in Business and Economics, and Gender, Technology and Development. She has edited two books: Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa (Palgrave Macmillan), and The Service Sector and Economic Development in Africa (Routledge).


Evelyn has presented her reseearch findings at international conferences, workshops and seminars in USA, Europe and Africa. Most recently, she presented one of her works on BRICS' FDI impact in Africa at the Africa Development Bank Group (AfDB)'s Research Seminar Series in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire; at the invitation of the Macroenomics Policy, Forecasting and research (ECMR) Department.


Evelyn is the editor-in-chief of Journal of African Development (JAD), Co-editor of Gender, Technology and Development (GTD) journal, and serves as editorial board member for various journals. She is a peer reviewer for a number of journals including World Development, Social Indicators Research, Applied Economics, Journal of International Development, Journal of Development Areas, African Development Review, Studies in Economics and Finance, and Feminist Economics. She also serves as a United Nations Expert on Development Aid in Least Developed Countries, and was recently (2018) featured in a BBC Radio interview on the services sector in Africa (


Evelyn received her Ph.D. in Economics from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and M.A. in Economics from Western Illinois University both in the United States, and a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy from University of Nairobi in Kenya. She is a member of American Economic Association, African Finance and Economic Association, and International Association for Feminist Economics. Evelyn has contributed to the Rotary International fundraising initiatives that support education related programs in the U.S. and development projects in developing countries. In her free time she enjoys partaking in charity events, gardening, photography, travelling, biking, playing tennis and chess.

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