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Curriculum Vitae
Wamboye's CV September 2019.pdf
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Curriculum Vitae



2008: Ph.D. Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, United States

2001: M.A. Economics, Western Illinois University, IL, United States

1999: B.A. Economics and Philosophy, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya


Teaching interests


Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (principles)

Macroeconomics (intermediate and advanced)

International Economics, Econometrics, Statistics, International Business, Marketing Research


Research interests


International Economics, Technological Change, Development Economics, International Development


Academic positions


05/2015-Present:  Associate Professor of Economics, Penn State University DuBois, DuBois, PA

08/2009-05/2015: Assistant Professor of Economics, Penn State University DuBois, DuBois, PA

08/2008-05/2009: Adjunct Instructor, Chippewa Valley Technical College, Eau Claire, WI

                              Courses taught: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (principles)

01/ 2008-05/2009: Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI

                  Courses taught: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (principles)

06/ 2006-05/2009: Adjunct Instructor, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, WI

Courses taught: Principles of Economics and Principles of Macroeconomics

08/2003-05/2008: Adjunct Instructor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI

Courses taught: US-Africa Economics Relations (online) (300), Principles of        Microeconomics, International Economics (300), and Statistics (200)

08/ 2006-12/2006: Adjunct Instructor, Ottawa University-Brookville, WI

Courses taught: Managerial Economics (300) and International Finance (300)


Training with certificates

08/ 2015: Multidimensional Poverty Analysis, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

07/2009: Teaching Certificate, Milwaukee Area Technical College, United States





Articles in refereed journals


Wamboye, E. F., and Sergi, B. (2019). Does Exploring the Nature, Motives and Implications of Foreign Capital in Africa.  World Development Perspectives, 14(June), click here for link


Tiruneh, E. A., Wamboye, E. F., and Sergi, B. (2017). Does Productivity in Africa Benefit from Advanced Countries’ R&D? Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 29(7), pp 804-816


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A., & Sergi, B. (2016). Labor Productivity Growth and Technology Adoption in sub-Saharan Africa. International Labor Review, 155 (2), pp 231-252


Wamboye, E. F., & Tochkov, K. (2016) External Debt Relief Initiatives and Economic Growth in Least Developed Countries. Journal of Development Areas, 50 (2), pp 213-229


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A. F., & Sergi, B. S. (2015). Sectoral Shifts and Women's Employment: A Study of 39 Least Developed Countries. Journal of Economic Issues, 49 (4), pp 1045-1076


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A. F., & Sergi, B. S. (2015). Internationalization of the Campus and Curriculum: Evidence from the United States Institutions of Higher Learning. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37 (4) pp 385-399


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A. F., & Sergi, B. S. (2015). Sectoral Effects on Female Absolute and Relative Employment in Selected Least Developed Countries. Gender, Technology and Development, 19 (1), 1-42


Wamboye, E. F., Tochkov, K., & Sergi, B. S. (2015). Technology Adoption and Growth in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Comparative Economic Studies, 57 (1), 136-167


Mookerjee, R., & Wamboye, E. F. (2014). The Nexus between Finance and Manufactured Exports in Selected Caribbean and Central American Countries. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 7(4), 339-359


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A. F., & Baldwin, A. (2014). Internationalizing Business Education Curriculum in a “Flat World”: The Scope and Constraints. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 7 (2), 99-115


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A. F., & Sergi, B. (2014). Foreign Aid, Legal Origin, Economic Growth and Africa’s Least Developed Countries. Progress in Development Studies, 14 (4), 335-357


Wamboye, E. F., Mookerjee, R., & Sergi, B. S. (2014). Finance and Manufactured Exports: Evidence from Latin America. Transformation in Business and Economics, 13 (1), 81-96


Wamboye, E. F., & Seguino, S. (2014). Gender Effects of Trade Openness in Sub-Saharan Africa. Feminist Economics, 21 (3), 82-113


Wamboye, E. F., & Tochkov, K. (2014). External Debt, Labor Productivity Growth and Convergence: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. The World Economy, 37 (3), 1-22


Wamboye, E. F., & Mookerjee, R. (2014). Financial Development and Manufactured Exports: The African Experience. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 7 (1), 22-34


Wamboye, E. F., Adekola, A., & Sergi, B. S. (2013). Economic Growth and the Role of Foreign Aid in Selected African Countries. Development, 56 (2), 155-171


Wamboye, E. F., & Adekola, A. F. (2013). Can Small and Medium Multinational Enterprises offer an Alternative to Multinational Corporations in African countries? Evidence from Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 6 (3), 279-295


Korsakiene, R., Breivyte, I., & Wamboye, E. F. (2011). Sustainable development and Human Development Index. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 1 (2), 103-112


Wamboye, E. F. (2009). Industry price effects of offshore outsourcing. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2 (2), 71-108




Wamboye, E. F (forthcoming, 2021). China’s Finance in Africa: What and How Much? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK)


Wamboye, E. F & Fayissa, B., (forthcoming, 2020). Palgrave Handbook on Africa’s Economic Sectors. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA)


Wamboye, E. F., & Nyaronga, P. J. (2019). The Service Sector and Africa Economic Development (1st ed.). London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138646810


Wamboye, E., & Tiruneh, E. A. (2017). Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa: The Impact of BRICS versus OECD. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53495-8


Chapters in books


Wamboye, E. F., & Nyaronga, P. J. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Gendered Labor Market Outcome in Africa and Asia's Least Developed Countries In Evelyn F. Wamboye and Peter J. Nyaronga (Eds.), The Service Sector and Economic Development in Africa. (1st ed.). Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138646810


Wamboye, E. F., & Tochkov, K. (2019). Information and Communication Technologies' Impact on Growth and Employment in Africa In Evelyn F. Wamboye and Peter J. Nyaronga (Eds.), The Service Sector and Economic Development in Africa. (1st ed.). Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138646810


Mookerjee, R., & Wamboye, E. F. (2019). The Importance of Financial Development in the Promotion of Manufactured Exports in Africa In Evelyn F. Wamboye and Peter J. Nyaronga (Eds.), The Services Sector and Economic Development in Africa. (1st ed.1). Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138646810


Wamboye, E., & Tiruneh, E. A. (2017). Exploring the nature, motives, and implications of foreign capital in Africa, in Evelyn Wamboye and Esubalew A. Tiruneh (Eds.), Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa: The Impact of BRICS versus OECD. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53495-8


Wamboye, E., & Tochkov, K.  (2017). Growth impact of aid quantity and quality in Africa, in Evelyn Wamboye and Esubalew A. Tiruneh (Eds.), Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa: BRICS versus OECD's Impact. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53495-8


Tiruneh, E. A. & Wamboye, E.  (2017). Have debt relief initiatives yielded varying impact in resources and non-resource endowed countries in Africa? in Evelyn Wamboye and Esubalew A. Tiruneh (Eds.), Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa: The Impact of BRICS versus OECD. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53495-8.


Tiruneh, E. A., Wamboye, E., & David O’Brien (2017). International R&D spillovers and labor productivity in Africa, in Evelyn Wamboye and Esubalew A. Tiruneh (Eds.), Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa: The Impact of BRICS versus OECD. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53495-8.


Kenechukwu, E., Tiruneh, E. A. & Wamboye, E. (2017). BRICS versus G7 countries’ foreign direct investment impact in Africa, in Evelyn Wamboye and Esubalew A. Tiruneh (Eds.), Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa: The Impact of BRICS versus OECD. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY (USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53495-8.


Wamboye, E. F. & Adekola, A. F. (2014). Attracting Small and Medium Multinational Enterprises to African Countries, in Sonny Nwankwo and Kevin Ibeh (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Business in Africa. (1st ed.). Routledge.


Wamboye, E. F. & Sissoko, Y. (2013). Outsourcing effects on US Manufacturing Sector: A Panel Estimation Approach. In Kalamogo Coulibaly and Chandra Putcha (Eds.), Mellen Press



Articles in refereed conference proceedings


Wamboye, E. F. (2012). "External Debt, Trade and FDI on Economic Growth of Least Developed Countries." Cambridge Business and Economics Conference


Wamboye, E. F. (2010). Trade Liberalization and Female Labor Participation in Africa: Case for Kenya, Ghana and Uganda. Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD)



Articles published online


Wamboye, E. F., & Mookerjee, R. (2013). Financial Development and Manufactured Exports: The African Experience. (pp.25). Munich Personal RePEc Archive.


Wamboye, E. F. (2012) Quantity or Quality? Foreign Aid and Growth in Least Developed Countries. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA).


Wamboye, E. F. (2012). External Debt, Trade and FDI on Economic Growth of Least Developed Countries. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA).


Working papers


Kenechukwu, E., Tiruneh, E. A. & Wamboye, E. (2016). BRICS versus G7 countries’ foreign direct investment impact in Africa, Policy Research Working Paper. No.7928. Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management Global Practice Group. World Bank, Washington DC.


Wamboye, E. F., & Tochkov, K. (2013). External Debt, Debt Relief Initiatives, and Economic Growth in Least Developed Countries. Texas Christian University, Department of Economics Working Paper Series. (14-03). Fort Worth, TX


Wamboye, E. F., & Seguino, S. (2014). Gender, Economic Structure, and Trade Openness in Sub-Saharan Africa. Department of Economics, University of Vermont Working Paper Series



Presentations in conferences, workshops and seminars


“Does BRICS’ and G7 countries’ FDI have varying impact on Africa’s labor productivity and Employment?” in the Research Seminar Series, AfDB. The Macroenomics Policy, Forecasting and research (ECMR) Department, African Development Bank Group (AfDB), Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire. (June 8, 2017)


"Gender Effects of Trade Openness in Sub-Saharan Africa” (with Seguino, S). 23rd International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference, Accra, Ghana (June 27-29, 2014)


"Financial Development and Manufactured Exports: The African Experience" (with Mookerjee, R.) African Finance and Economic Association/American Economic Association, Philadelphia, PA (January 3, 2014)


"What Attracts Small and Medium Sized Multinational Enterprises to African Countries? Evidence from Nigeria" (with Adekola, A.). Midwest Academy of Management, Milwaukee, WI (October 11, 2013)


"Internationalizing Business Education Curriculum in a “Flat World”: The Scope and Constraints" (with Adekola, A. & Baldwin, A). The Global Penn State Conference 2013: Internationalizing the Campus, College, and Classroom. Penn State University Global Programs, University Park, PA (September 28, 2013)


"Foreign Aid, Legal Origin, Economic Growth and Africa’s Least Developed Countries” (with Adekola, A. & Aregbeshola, R.) Financial Globalization and Sustainable​e Finance: Implications for Policy and Practice, Economic Research Southern Africa and Maastricht University, Cape Town, South Africa (May 30, 2013)


"Reshaping Pedagogy of Business Education in a Flat World" (with Adekola, & A. Baldwin, A) Association of International Educators Annual Conference, NAFSA, St. Louis, MO. (May 26, 2013)


"Economic Structure, Trade Openness, and Gendered Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa" (with Seguino, S.) Engendering Economic Policy in Africa Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa (May 10, 2013)


"Outsourcing Effects on the US Manufacturing Sector: A Panel Estimation” (with Sissoko, Y.) Midwest Economics Association conference, Columbus Ohio, (March 23, 2013)


"The impact of external debt on labor productivity growth and convergence: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa" (with Tochkov, K.) Department of Economics and International Business at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, Seminars, (November 13, 2012)


"External Debt, Trade and FDI on Economic Growth of Least Developed Countries" Association for Business and Economics Research, University of Cambridge. Cambridge, UK, (June 2012)


"Quantity or Quality? Foreign Aid and Growth in Least Developed Countries" Association for Business and Economics Research, University of Cambridge. Cambridge, UK, (June 27, 2012)


"Reshaping Pedagogy of Undergraduate Business Education in a Flat World: Internationalizing the Curriculum" (with Adekola, A. F.) Association for Business and Economics Research, University of Cambridge. Cambridge, UK, (June 27, 2012)


"External Debt, Trade and FDI on Economic Growth of Least Developed Countries" Pennsylvania Economic Conference, Pennsylvania Economic Association, Clarion, PA, (May 31, 2012)


"FDI versus Foreign Aid on Economic Growth” (with Mitra, R.) Eastern Economic Conference, Eastern Economic Association, Boston, MA, (March 9, 2012)


"Reshaping Pedagogy of Undergraduate Business Education in a “Flat World”: Internationalizing the Curriculum.” 23rd Annual Teaching Economics, Robert Morris University and McGraw Hill publishers, Moon Township, PA (February 16, 2012)


"Regional Integration and FDI Flows: Evidence from West African Monetary Zone" Eastern Economic Association Conference, Eastern Economic Association, New York, NY (February 26, 2011)


"Trade Liberalization and Welfare of Farmers in Developing Countries: The Case of Poultry Farmers in Ghana". African Finance and Economic Association/ American Economic Association Conference, Denver, CO, (January 8, 2011)


"Trade Liberalization and Female Labor Participation in Africa: Case for Kenya, Ghana and Uganda". Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD), Martti Ahtisaari Institute of Global Business and Economics, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, (July 12, 2010)


"Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Participation: Women of Sub-Saharan Africa". Association for Evolutionary Economics, American Economic Association, Atlanta, GA, (January 3, 2010)


Participation in conferences


“Show me the Data” 2017 United States Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel. State College, PA (May 18-20, 2017)


“8th International Conference on Migration and Development” Washington, D.C. (June 8-9, 2015)


"The Economic Cost of Homophobia: How LGBT Exclusion Impacts Development” The World Bank, Washington, DC (March 12, 2014)


“Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE): The Role of Theory in Development Economics” The World Bank, Washington DC (June 1-3, 2014)


Panelist, “Without a Passport? Internationalization across the Curriculum” Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, the University Office for Global Programs, The University College Dean’s Office and the Greater Allegheny Campus, Penn State Greater Allegheny (May 7, 2013)


Panelist, "Teaching and Learning with i-clickers" Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology, Information Technology Services, Penn State University, University Park, PA, (March 16, 2013)


Panelist, “West African Monetary Zone as an Optimum Currency Area” African Finance and Economics Association/American Economic Association, Denver, CO, (January 8, 2011)





“Multidimensional poverty analysis and measurement” Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford Summer School Grant, $2,500 (April 14, 2015)


“Multidimensional poverty analysis and measurement” Penn State University DuBois, $750 (April 27, 2015)


"Engendering Economic Policy in Africa" Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), $5,100.00 (06/2014)


"Research Development Grant" Penn State University, $750.00 (10/ 2013)


"Teaching Development Grant" Penn State University, $400.00 (01/ 17, 2013)


"What Attracts Small and Medium Sized Multinational Enterprises to African Countries? Evidence from Nigeria," DuBois Educational Foundation, $1,300.00 (10/ 2013)


"Economic Structure, Trade Openness, and Gendered Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa" Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), $5,100.00 (05/ 2013)


"24th Annual Teaching Economics Conference: Instruction and Classroom Based Research" Robert Morris University and McGraw Hill/Irwin Publishing Company, $533.33 (11/ 2012)


"Funding in support of software purchase, research papers submission fees and conference presentation" Penn State University, $670.00 (11/ 2012)


"Engaging Students Using i-Clicker technology and Active Learning" Schreyer Institute for Teaching and Learning, Penn State University, $2,812.00 (06/ 2012)


"External Debt, Trade and FDI on Economic Growth of Least Developed Countries" Dubois Educational Foundation, $1,800.00 (02/ 2012)


"Reshaping Pedagogy of Undergraduate Business Education in a "Flat World": Internationalizing the Curriculum" Penn State University Dubois, DAA's office, $535.00 (10/ 2011)


"Teaching Development Grant" DAA's office, Penn State Dubois, $580.00 (10/2011)


"Student Support Travel Funds for an Embedded Program to Kenya" Student Affairs office, Penn State University Dubois, $2,000.00 (09/2011)


"McGraw Hill Teaching Economic Conference in Southern California" DAA's office, Penn State University. $500.00 (11/ 2010)


"Trade liberalization and Welfare of Farmers in Developing Countries: The Case of Poultry Farmers in Ghana" Department of Economics, Penn State University $600.00 (10/2010)


"McGraw Hill Teaching Economic Conference in Southern California" Dubois Educational Foundation, $850.00 (10/2010).


"Improvement and Inclusion of Embedded Program in Econ 002 and Econ 004.  (Project Category E and F)," Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, Penn State University, $2, 200.00(03/2010)


"Research Development Grant," DAA's office, Penn State University, $500.00 (11/2009)


"Trade Liberalization and Female Labor Participation in Africa: Case for Kenya, Ghana and Uganda," Department of Economics -UP, Penn State University, $600.00 (11/2009)



Participation in professional development activities


"Achieving Your Student Learning Objectives with Clickers-by Dr. Deb Pires, University of California, Los Angeles. (06/2014)


Robert Morris University & McGraw Hill/Irwin Publishing Company, 24th Annual Teaching Economics Conference: Instruction and Classroom Based Research. Moon Township, PA, USA. (02/ 2013)


"Teaching Economics with Excel," Dr. Humberto Barreto, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Economic Association. Clarion, PA. (02/2012)


"Revolutionizing your classroom time with clickers," Sherri Wall, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, McGraw Hill. (04/2012)


"Three Fun and Engaging Collaborative Learning Projects to Use in the Classroom," Sherri Wall, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, McGraw-Hill. (03/2012)


Robert Morris University and McGraw Hill/Irwin Publishing Company, 23rd Annual Teaching Economics: Instruction and Classroom Based Research. Moon Township, PA, USA. (02/2012)


"Instructional planning and design that promote higher level of learning engagement," Ms. Myrene Magabo, Penn State University DuBois. DuBois, PA. (08/2011)


"Getting Through the Stack: Grading for Learning," Schreyer Institute, Schreyer Institute. Dubois, PA. (01/2011)


"Economics Teaching Conference,” McGraw Hill and Scripps College in Claremont, CA, McGraw-Hill Teaching Economic Conference in Southern California. Claremont, CA. (10/2010)


"Managing Classroom Disruptions," Jim Kuterbach and Rebecca Pennington, Penn State University Dubois. Dubois, PA. (02/2010)


"Clickers: Best practices" Peter J Heaney, Schreyer Institute. Dubois, PA. (11/2009).


Media coverage


Radio Interview, BBC Focus on Africa  “How can Africa boost jobs in the service sector?”  (December 16, 2018)


Article, “Honors students enrich their education in Berlin, Germany,” Pennsylvania State University DuBois Newswire, (June 15, 2017)


Article, "Marketing Students Impact Campus Recycling Efforts," Pennsylvania State University DuBois Newswire, (May 28, 2014)


Article, "Campus Faculty Member Tapped as Expert for United Nations' Efforts," Pennsylvania State University DuBois Newswire, (June 13, 2013).


Article, "Students Connect with Local Business for 'Real World' Lessons," Pennsylvania State University DuBois Newswire, (December 1, 2011)


Article, "Pennsylvania State DuBois Economics Course Will Feature International Travel," Pennsylvania State University DuBois newswire (August 23, 2010)





Editorial and advisory board services


Newports Institute of Communication and Economics Research Journal, Editorial Board, 04/ 2014-Present

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, Editorial Board, 03/ 2013-Present

Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, Editorial Board, 01/ 2012-Present

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Editorial Board, 02/ 2008-Present

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Editorial Board, 01/ 2008-Present


Peer reviewer of grant proposals and manuscripts


Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, Reviewer, 09/2014-Present

Journal of Economics and International Finance, Reviewer, 07/ 2014-Present

Social Indicators Research (SOCI), Reviewer, 05/ 2014-Present

Feminist Economics, Reviewer, 01/ 2014 - Present

Studies in Economics and Finance, Reviewer, 12/ 2013-Present

World Development, Reviewer, 08/2013- Present

Applied Economics, Reviewer, 09/ 2012-Present

Journal of Economic Issues, Reviewer, 12/009 -Present

Journal of International Development, Reviewer, 11/2009-Present

Journal of International Economics, Reviewer, 11/2009-Present

"Intermediate Macroeconomics." McGraw Hill publishers, Reviewer, 12/2008- Present

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Editorial Board Member, 02/2008-Present

"Principles of Microeconomics Text Book." Worth publishers, Reviewer, 01/2008-Present



University service


Honors Program, Co-coordinator, 08/2016 - Present

Faculty Affairs Committee, Chair, 08/2016 – 12/2017

Adjunct faculty (Economics and Statistics), Mentor, 04/2016 – 12/2017

Business Program (BSB) Oversight Committee, Member, University College, 08/ 2009-Present

Pennsylvania State DuBois Advising Council, Committee Member, 01/2013-Present

Funding Committee, Committee Member, 08/ 2013-Present

Promotion and Tenure committee, member, 2015, 2016

Marketing position search, Committee Member, 2015

Faculty Affairs, Committee Member, 08/ 2013-05/2016

International Programs committee, Committee Member, 08/2010-08/ 2013

Management position search, Committee Member, 10/2011-04/2012

Library Committee, Committee Member, 08/ 2009-08/ 2010


Professional service


Journal of African Development (JAD)

Editor-in-Chief, 07/ 2019 – present

Gender, Technology and Development (GTD)

Co-Editor, 10/2019 – present

African Finance and Economics Association

President, 01/ 2020 – 01/2022

African Finance and Economics Association

President elect, 01/ 2018 – 01/2020

ASSA meetings and African Finance and Economics Association

Program chair, 01/ 2018 - 01/ 2019

African Finance and Economics Association

Director, 01/ 2011 - 01/ 2015

Malabo Conference, Reviewer, 05/2011 - 05/2011

Annual Conference on Global Economy, Business and Finance

Reviewer, 12/2011- 07/2012

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets

Research Paper Evaluation, Reviewer, 10/ 2010 – 10/ 2010

International Symposium on Business, Banking, Marketing and Economy

International Advisory Board Member, 05/2013 - 12/2013

International conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences

Advisory Board Member, 05/2012 - Present

The Annual Conference on Global Economy, Business and Finance

Advisory Board, Advisor, 12/2011 – Present


United Nations, Policy and Analysis Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Expert, 06/2013-Present


Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Vilnius, Lithuania

Social Sciences, Economics, External Dissertation Reviewer. (December 2011 - Present)



Public service


Scholarships committee member, The Rotary Club, Committee Member. DuBois, PA, 04/2012 – 05/2015

Business Society Fundraising Activity, Pennsylvania State Business Society Club, Advisor. Dubois, PA, 11/2010

Hosted a Visiting Rotary Club Member, Rotary Club, Volunteer, Dubois, PA, 05/2010 - 05/2010

Fundraising for Habitat for Humanity, Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer, Dubois, PA, 04/2010


Professional memberships


International Association of Feminist Economics, 12/2012 - Present

Association for International Educators, 08/2012 - Present

PA Economic Association, 04/2012 - Present

Rotary Club, 09/2011 - 2016

Member, Eastern Economic Association, 09/2010 - Present

African Finance and Economic Association, 01/2010 - Present

Member, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 03/2009 - Present

Member, American Economic Association, 08/2002 - Present

Member, Midwest Economic Association, 08/2002 - Present

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© Evelyn Wamboye - 2016